все умрут, а я грейпфрут! ©
Held here in the
hour glass of your
arms, sand cascading
through the body
of our love
I am,
temporarily suspended
out of time
in the comfort of
your skin,
the surety of
knowing when I turn over,
my elbow will jostie
your elbow.
And the sand
running through the
From the
Beach of Eternity
And will never
Run Dry. (Erlend Loe "Naiv. Super")
hour glass of your
arms, sand cascading
through the body
of our love
I am,
temporarily suspended
out of time
in the comfort of
your skin,
the surety of
knowing when I turn over,
my elbow will jostie
your elbow.
And the sand
running through the
From the
Beach of Eternity
And will never
Run Dry. (Erlend Loe "Naiv. Super")